Archive for:

November, 2016

Grutas Park, a 20-Hectare Soviet-Era Timewarp

Grutas park

Grutas park is your Dazed in Druskininkai diary option, on the off-chance that, in theory, you’d be thrilled to kick off the New Year in the Centre of Europe a mere couple of hours’ drive away, neither/none of you have, uhh, lost that loving feeling since the previous night, and […]

Lithuanian Adventures: Europos Parkas, the Center of Europe

center of europe

You might have already had an inkling that celebrating New Year’s Day in the Lithuanian winter wonderland was to be nothing short of magical; one of those rare occasions when we’re wrapped up in a soft-focus post-party bubble that seems as perfect as it is ethereally transient, marking the midway […]

Lithuanian Adventures: the Republic of Uzupis


If your run of the mill eye test chart had a wacky sub-edition featuring just countries, arranged by size in descending order, spotting the Republic of Uzupis would vault you into bionic eagle territory. Created by a throng of artists and freethinkers in 1997 inside Vilnius, this micro nation is […]