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September, 2017

Jūrmala: Latvia’s Soviet Sun-Spot


The city in Latvia where famous Communists once sunbathed.  Photo by Dezidor Tucked away in the Gulf of Riga, just west of Latvia’s capital, is a holiday resort with a very unique history. During the Communist era, Jūrmala was regarded as one of the Soviet Union’s top vacation spots. It once attracted the […]

Tallinn Among World’s Least Polluted Cities

tallinn clean air

Tallinn, isn’t just beautiful, it’s also clean. Photo by Ville Hyvönen One reason the Baltic Run is such a great event is for its purity: the untouched landscapes, the undiluted vodka, and the freshness of the air. And nowhere in the Baltics is the air fresher than in Tallinn, which has […]