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Useful Phrases During the Baltic Run

3 June 2016

Driving through Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia you will meet lots of people of these beautiful countries and interact with their culture. Language can be a barrier sometimes, but with these useful phrases you will be able to jump it!

Cover picture by deandare06



Polish: Czesc        Lithuanian: Sveiki        Latvian: Sveiki        Estonian: Tere


Polish: Prosze        Lithuanian: Prašom        Latvian: Lūdzu        Estonian: Palun

Thank You

Polish: Dziekuje        Lithuanian: Ačiū        Latvian: Paldies        Estonian: Aitäh

Hello, Please and Thank You: the very basics we were all taught by our mothers as the pillars of good education. Lets get now to the slightly more difficult ones!



Polish: Na zdrowie!

Lithuanian: Į sveikatą

Latvian: Priekā

Estonian: Terviseks

Indispensable. You are going to be toasting and drinking with locals and other adventurers, so you better learn how to do it properly! The best thing is that, once learnt, you’ll never forget them – repeating them over and over again!

Where’s the toilet?

Polish: Gdzie jest toaleta?

Lithuanian: Kur yra tualetas?

Latvian: Kur ir tualete?

Estonian: Kus on tualett?

We probably don’t have to explain in detail why this sentence is useful, do we? Let’s just say that it can save you from a few embarrassing situations, especially after a heavy dinner or a drinking night.

I love you

Polish: Kocham Cię

Lithuanian: Aš tave myliu

Latvian: Es mīlu Tevi

Estonian: Ma armastan sind.

Only for romantics. If you are the kind of person that falls in love easily, congratulations! The Baltic countries are filled with beauties (both male and female), so knowing how to express you admiration can come in handy. Most probably you will not see them again, but who knows?


Photo by Michael

Do you have a lighter?

Polish: Masz zapalniczkę?

Lithuanian: Ar turite lengvesni?

Latvian: Vai jums ir vieglāks?

Estonian: Kas sul on kergem?

Really important question for smokers. Murphy Law teaches us that you will always lose your lighter in the most inappropriate moments – for example, when you are in a foreign country small town after the shops are closed. With this sentence you will be able to approach strangers for help- besides, it’s an excellent way of starting a conversation.


I’m an adventurer

Polish: Jestem poszukiwaczem przygód.

Lithuanian: Aš esu nuotykių ieškotojas.

Latvian: Es esmu piedzīvojumu meklētājs.

Estonian: Ma olen seikleja.

After all, the brave participants of the Baltic Run are all adventurers! So why wouldn’t you introduce yourself properly?


Have a good journey!

Polish: Miłej podróży!

Lithuainan: Geros kelionės!

Latvian: Laimīgu ceļu!

Estonian: On head reisi !

The Baltic Run is a rally, which means the journey never ends. You will most likely find in the way many more travellers pursuing their own ways, so be sure you know how to depart in style with the local language.



Where is the best party?

Polish: Gdzie jest najlepsza impreza ?

Lithuanian: Kur yra geriausia šalis?

Latvian: Kur ir vislabākā puse?

Estonian: Kus on parim pidu?

For the party people that can get a bit confused trying to find a good place to go while walking through the streets of Krakow, Kaunas, Riga or Tallinn. Baltic nights in the winter can be hard, so learning this question can save you a lot of freezing time- and led you to meet new party friends!


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One beer, please

Polish: Jedno piwo prosze

Lithuanian: Vienu alus, prašau.

Latvian: Vienu alu lūdzu.

Estonian: Üks õlu palun.

A basic, useful sentence if you want to be nice to the local bartenders, or if you just happen to be in an small, local tavern where English is not an option. You don’t want to leave it up to destiny and end up drinking who knows what? Then learn these to heart and go with the safe choice.


Where can I get the cheapest Vodka?

Polish: Gdzie mogę dostać najtańszej wódki ?
Lithuanian: Kur galiu gauti pigiausią degtinę ?
Latvian: Kur es varu saņemt lētākās degvīnu ?
Estonian: Kus ma saan kõige madalama viina ?

If you are short of cash, or simply if you have an iron stomach and a lot of (un)healthy curiosity, you will need this sentence to find the “best” vodka in town. Or, at least, to not be cheated with the price like it sometimes happens to English speaking tourists.


Photo by Karola Riegler

Can I buy you a drink?

Polish: Czy mogę kupić ci drinka?

Lithuanian: Ar aš nupirksiu tau gėrimą?

Latvian: Es varu nopirkt jums dzērt?

Estonian: Ma saan osta midagi juua?

A classic ice breaker that never gets really old, and sounds always funny when it comes from someone struggling with the local language. The only problem? Good luck trying to understand the answer.

Your place or mine?

Polish: Twoje miejsce czy moje?

Lithuanian: Jūsų vieta ar mano?

Latvian: Jūsu vieta vai mine?

Estonian: Teie koht või minu?

Just in case you get lucky.


We are obviously leaving out many more, but these are a good starting point. Best way to learn though? Join the next Baltic Run and get to practice your skills in real situations, during an amazing winter adventure!


P.S. Hereby we exclude liability for all misunderstandings that might come up using the above phrases. After all, never trust the internet or a translation that you didn’t do yourself 😉



Liked this story? Are you getting that itch to travel and go on an adventure? Then join us on the next Baltic Run. Find a team of like-minded crazies and we’ll see you at the starting line. If you want to join us in the virtual world then drop us a like on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to keep up with our latest antics.

one response to Useful Phrases During the Baltic Run

  • Kristiina says on July 7, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    I am Estonian and looks like Google translator were used, some of them are completely off.


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